Saturday, February 24, 2007

John 2:1-12

In today's reading, we hear the story of the first public miracle of Jesus - turning water into wine.

I've often wondered why Jesus would choose this as His first miracle. After all, as his ministry progressed, He did some pretty amazing stuff - curing illness, making the lame to walk, and even raising people from the dead. Mixing drinks just sounds a little lame compared to these miracles.

As Christian comedian, Mark Lowrey, says, Jesus's first miracle was "...just to keep the party going!".

So why this one? Was He nervous about how to use His miracle-working-powers, and He wanted to start on something simple? Maybe He thought people would be too frightened if He started with raising up the dead. Maybe this was a 'warm-up' miracle?

I don't think Jesus was ready to do a miracle that day. I think He was waiting for something bigger, something more important. When Mary tells Him that they are out of wine, He responds with, "My time has not yet come." (2:4) But clearly, God was ready to use Him.

Isn't that like us sometimes? We feel very safe in our comfortable places, doing the things we know, talking to the people in our inner circle. And then God calls us out to do something else. Maybe it's as small as talking to a new neighbour. Maybe it's as large as a complete career change.

Jesus followed the call of God that day, and did a miracle that began a ministry that changed the world forever.

God is calling us daily to step outside ourselves and trust in Him. Perhaps, if we trust in God's timing and not our own, we will do something today that will change the world forever.


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