Saturday, March 17, 2007

John 10:22-42

"Happy St. Patrick’s Day", emailed a friend.
"Who was Patrick anyway", I inquired.
And the conversation continued.

The Gospel reading today is very similar to the above conversation.

People: "Tell us the plain truth: are you the Messiah (Saviour)?"
Jesus: "I have already told you, but you do not believe me."
And the conversation continues.

So my question to you today is, ‘Who is Jesus?’

My answers …
To the deaf man, Jesus is the one who gives back his hearing;
To the thief on the cross, Jesus is the one who brought him to eternal life;
To the woman caught in adultery, Jesus saved her from a horrible death;
To the disciples in the boat on the stormy waters of Galilee, Jesus could control nature;
To the man born blind, Jesus restored his ability to see;
To Peter, Jesus gave him the ability to walk on water;
To the 10 lepers, Jesus cured them to become accepted within the community;
To the man with the speech impediment, Jesus was the one who enabled him to speak openly;
To the 5000 hungry people, Jesus was the one who could feed thousands;
To the wedding host, Jesus was able to provide wine for the party;
To the widow at Nain, Jesus brought her son back from the dead;
To the epileptic boy, Jesus brought healing so he could live a normal life;
To the man with the crippled hand, Jesus enabled him to work for a living.

NOW YOU CAN ADD TO THE LIST (through the comment section of the blog)

"Who is Jesus?"


(Today's post submitted by guest writer, Rev. Hollis Hiscock.)


At March 17, 2007 at 3:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find my answer to your question in the lyrics of a great song:


He still finds the time to hear a child's first prayer,
Saint or sinner call and always find Him there,
Though it makes Him sad to see the way we live,
He'll always say, "I forgive."

(Words and Music by
J. Richards, R. Mullan and B. Feldman)


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