Wednesday, March 7, 2007

John 6:16-21

Today, we read the infamous story of Jesus walking on the water. This story has become a modern-day challenge to illusionists around the world. Select magicians have mastered the illusion of walking on water. TV's Criss Angel has even performed the feat in a public swimming pool, walking across the water, with people still swimming all around him in the pool.

But all magicians agree that it is a stunt that requires an enormous amount of planning, equipment, and technical prowess. There is an understood agreement that a single man, 2000 years ago, with no technical resources, could not have pulled off this kind of ''illusion''. For Jesus, this was a true miracle.

I love watching this illusion on television. It intrigues me, and there's something quite beautiful about it. But the disciples in the boat did not feel this way. They were terrified. Here, in the middle of the night, in the middle of the storm, was their master, Jesus, walking on the rough waters.

At this moment, Jesus showed He had power over everything. He could control water, wine, bread, fish, health, sickness, and now the properties of science and nature. And soon, He would prove He even had power over death. No wonder the twelve were afraid.

But Jesus shows us even more in this moment. His words are "Don't be afraid...It is I" (6:20). In a moment when they are terrified, Jesus asks the disciples to recognize His presence, and to allow that to be a calming force for them.

This story is not just for the twelve. It is for us as well. How awesome to know that in the midst of our darkest, most frightening hour, Jesus is calling out to us, "Don't be afraid...It is I".


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