Monday, March 10, 2008

Luke 16:1-31

"The people of this world are much more shrewd in handling their affairs than the people who belong to the light".

Why would Jesus make such a statement?

He did it after telling the story about a manager who was being fired. The boss made a mistake. He asked the manager to give him a written copy of his accounts. He should have had an independent audit done. The boss would have received more money than the accounts indicated.

The shrewd manager called in the people who owed money to the boss (owner) and gave them a break by changing their accounts to a lower number. The one who purchased 100 barrels of oil was charged for fifty, and the person who received 1000 bushels of wheat was charged for eight hundred.

The manager gave them a break, so that they would 'owe him one' when he lost his job and perhaps assist him as he helped them. A quirky twist on the Golden Rule - "Treat others as you want them to treat you."

I think Jesus is somewhat like the shrewd manager. He knows that people are burdened by sin and guilt, and wants to change our account so our debt is not as high as it should be. He guaranteed that by 'paying the price' on the cross.

Some years ago, the Church issued a special report called 'Babes in the Corridors of Power". It documented practices to be followed by Church people when they wanted politicians and other power people to change their attitudes about social justice issues and enact new legislation. There was no doubt that when pitted against seasoned secular leaders, Church people were like 'babes in the woods'.

The report wanted people to understand the rules and protocols in order to get their goals converted into concrete results.

It may not be easy to do, but it is doable.

Question: In what ways are you a shrewd manager in your dealings with people?

Tomorrow's reading: Luke 17:1-37

(Today's post submitted by Rev. Hollis Hiscock.)


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