Friday, March 23, 2007

John 13:1-20

In today's reading, Jesus does a lowly and humble act: He gets on His knees, and washes the feet of His disciples.

Last year, my friend, Anne, was telling me about her weekend, and this phrase slipped out, "Well, I was washing this woman's feet...". What? Why would you be washing a stranger's feet?

Anne works for the Out of the Cold program, which provides temporary shelter for Toronto's homeless in the winter months. Anne's chosen job is to wash the feet of the homeless visitors. She soaks their feet in hot water, and cleans them with soap. She cuts and cleans their toe nails. She offers to give a foot massage with scented moisturizer. Some of the visitors aren't comfortable being touched, so not everyone accepts this offer. She dries their feet with soft towels. She then gives them clean socks and, when possible, new winter boots.

Anne is a dignified, professional woman, but she is willing to humble herself to serve the "least" in our society.

Jesus knows that He is the Lord and teacher of this group. He wants to be respected in that way. But He lowers himself in service to His friends and followers to set an example of how they should treat each other.

We sometimes become obsessed with keeping our status in our homes, churches, and workplaces. Yet Jesus shows that service is more important than status.

We may not have the opportunity to literally wash someone else's feet, but there are many ways that we can still serve those around us. How can you incorporate service to others into your life?


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