Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Luke 22:1-38

Judas betrayed Jesus;
Jesus predicted Peter would deny knowing Him;
Peter denied Jesus;
The disciples argued about 'who is the greatest?';
And the chief priests and teacher of the law plotted to kill Jesus.

Jesus was not having a super week.

Jesus knew it was coming;
Jesus was prepared for the terrible days leading up to His crucifixion;
Jesus knew this was the reason for His birth in the stable in Bethlehem;
Jesus remembered the meanings of the gifts of the Magi - gold for a KING, frankincense for a PRIEST and myrrh for ONE WHO IS ABOUT TO DIE;

Jesus was ready to do what He had come to Earth to do.


Jesus wanted to do one more thing;
Jesus wanted to give the disciples something by which to remember the next few days.

Jesus took His place with His disciples in an upstairs room;
The celebrated their meal of antiquity - the 'Passover';
Then the Passover meal took on a new dimension, a new meaning.

Jesus called the wine 'my blood';
Jesus called the bread 'my body';
Jesus told them His body would be broken for them;
Jesus told them His blood would be poured out for them;
Jesus told them to 'do this in memory of me'.

They did;

Others have done it down through the ages;
We do it this week;
We will continue in the days ahead.

Jesus' followers and disciples will gather around tables throughout the world to 'break the bread' and 'drink from the cup' to give thanks and celebrate God's love and care for each individual.

Four more days to the Resurrection Sunday.

Question: What are you doing to get ready?

Tomorrow's reading: Luke 22:39-23:25

(Today's post submitted by Rev. Hollis Hiscock.)


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