Saturday, March 24, 2007

John 13:21-38

I saw a talk show recently about a woman who had been betrayed by her boyfriend. To gain revenge, she posted his name, photo, and address online, and accused him of cheating, lying, and illegal acts. She had been hurt by his actions, and her goal was to make him feel the same degree of pain as she felt.

In today's reading, we discover that, not just one, but two of the chosen twelve will betray Jesus.

These men are about to bring pain and, eventually, death to Jesus. He knows their actions will not only hurt Him, but will also hurt his family and other friends. He has the power of the heavens at His command. He knows their actions ahead of time, and has all the resources available to either stop them in their tracks, or to exact brutal revenge on them.

So what does He choose to talk about in this moment?


" one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. If you have love for one another, then every will know that you are my disciples." (13:34-35)

Jesus is watching His friendships, His safety, and His ministry crumble around Him. And yet, He continues to preach about love. He continues to love His friends, and asks them to love each other in the same way.

What a lesson to all of us!

Jesus doesn't ignore what is about to happen to Him, but He also doesn't try to lash out and bring pain to those who will hurt Him. Instead, He offers them a loving and generous spirit, and challenges us to do the same.

Would you be able to follow this example?


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